Sunday, December 16, 2007


Is everyone aware? Is anyone aware?
Aware of the death and pain
Felt by so many
Do they know the hurt and grief
Held by so many
The world in which we live
To busy to slow down and see
See the violence and hatred
Tearing people apart
Words and bullets fired without care
Care for whoever they may strike down

Is everyone aware? Is anyone aware?
Aware of the sick and blind
Left alone to die
Do they know the horror that
Grips the people now
The world in which we live
Self-absorbed and self-conscious to
Notice the ones dead and gone
Taken by careless acts
Of others that have no care for
For the innocent lives that live

Is anyone aware...

Saturday, December 15, 2007


...and waiting.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

The World Should Slow Down

The world should slow down...very much it should slow down. It seems that we are always running around and trying to get to the next place we have to be or get the next thing done. And I do not like it, I do not like the fact that friends are too busy with school, life, work, and whatever else to just hang out! And I really wish that somebody would invent a teleporter so that I could teleport myself to go hang out with friends that live far away! But regardless...the world should slow down and give us a chance to breathe! That's what I want for Christmas! A chance to breathe and spend time with family and friends! So world...slow down! But slow enough that we lose gravity and start floating off the earth!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Bass Cat

Here at Shorter, there are lots of stray cats wondering around. Up on the Hill there are a couple of cats that roam around campus. And down at Bass, where I live, there is this one cat that has caught my affection. Earlier this year, a very small and unhealthy cat started showing up around the Bass apartments. A few of us started feeding the cat and taking care of it, and soon it was healthy and a very happy cat! I didn't think about it much, but it soon started to get really cold and the cat had nowhere warm to stay! But for some reason I didn't think that the cat would mind the cold. But one night, me and Kate were coming back after going somewhere and it was FREEZING! And I felt awful and I had to do something for the cat. So I went and got a big box that I had some stuff in when I moved in and I put a few towels in it and made the cat a nice little warm bed. And as soon as I put the box down, the cat went straight into it and went right to sleep! It made me really happy! And every night when I walk up to the door, the cat is waiting in his box! It's really cool! And the other afternoon it was pretty cold and wet outside and the cat was sitting by the door and just meowing at me! I swear that the cat was yelling at me to take it inside! So I took it inside and let it in my room. I laid down on the couch and started watching TV and the cat jumped right up on my chest and took a nap! It was SO cool! So, that's my story about Bass Cat...that's what we've all decided to name it! So yeah, that's it! Sorry the picture is upside down...I couldn't figure out how to do sorry!

Saturday, October 20, 2007


Friends are great! They drive out of their way to watch you run a race. They buy you Starbucks when you're broke. They always give you a hug when you need one. They make you laugh and they make you cry. They are there when you want them to be and when you don't want them to. I am thankful for my friends and all that they do for me! They make me smile and I love every second with them! But yeah...friends are really great! Really, really great!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

My Dog

My dog is crazy! His name is Ranger, and today I came home for Fall Break and my dog went nuts! All day he was running around, taking my shoes with him, barking, slobbering all over the place, and having a good ole' time. And I was too, even though he was chewing my flip flop and getting them covered in his nasty slobber, i couldn't help but laugh and smile, I think he was too. Being at school makes me miss my dog, a lot. Some days all I want to do is go get him and bring him back with me and go play and run around until we both are exhausted and just fall on the grass and sleep. I swear that he smiles and me when he's happy and I promise that he frowns whenever I leave and I know that he is as sad as I am. I have to leave on Tuesday to go back to school and I really don't want to cause I don't want to leave Ranger! Each time I leave, I take him a treat and sit with him and scratch his back and belly and tell him how much I'm gonna miss him. All he usually does is lick my face and burp after he eats his treat! Gross! But funny! So while I am home I am going to spend a lot of time with my dog! Because he deserves it and cause I miss him!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

30 Minutes for 50 Cents

Doing laundry up here at school is not the funnest thing to do...and it isn't the cheapest thing either. Yesterday I was finishing up my laundry and I noticed that I was spending a ton of money to wash clothes. I was spending $2-3 on drying my clothes! It only takes a dollar to was clothes, but drying takes forever! And our dryer sucks! It's been broken twice already this year, and each time it's taken 2 weeks to get it fixed! It's rediculus! But whatever, I think that I'm gonna start going to a laundramat to do laundry, it should be cheeper maybe. And I really don't like the fact that it's so cold in the morning, which feels great, and then it gets so dang hot in the afternoon!!! Where is fall?!?!?!? I wish it would hurry up and get here! Ok, enough complaining...

Monday, September 24, 2007

It's About Time

It's about time...yes it is. About time that I post a new blog. Life has been pretty crazy since the end of the summer...classes running and trying to eat sleep and study take up all my time. I try to find time for friends and for Kate and myself but in the midst of everything else it's pretty hard sometimes. But today was a GREAT day! Brock, Auny, and Shannon came to Rome today for their show and I finally got to see them for the first time since the summer! It was great! And then we all went to lunch this afternoon...after we finally found a place we fit in and could actually eat real food and not brunch...whatever that it. It was really fun to hang out and talk with them again. And I got to meet the BMX crew, Outkast and they were awesome guys! And tonight me and Kate met Shannon in Cartersville for some good ole' Starbucks and had a really good time just hanging out and laughing and remembering the summer and how great it was! So today was good, it was great! It was about time that we all got to see each other and hang out again, and the cool thing is we are getting to do it again on Wednesday! And I'm super excited about it! Me and Kate are going to drive down after my workout tomorrow afternoon and hopefully get there in time for the show. But it was really good to see Brock and get to talk to him and just be together again and it was great to see Auny and hear her stories about traveling and about all the stuff that Brock does. And it was really good to see Shannon and talk to her about life and swap stories and encourage each other and just laugh and talk and smile. She is a dear friend that I wish I spent more time with and was able to see more than we do. But it was a blessing to see everybody today and get caught time it hopefully wont be 3 months later...

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Summer Now Gone

Yes, it is over. The school year is starting and things are changing. Life is just as busy as it was this summer and it's not looking like is going to slow down. Yesterday I spent my entire day cleaning and moving into my dorm...that's all I should have to say about that. It's crazy hot here and I was driving back from the grocery store at 9:30 at night and it was still 99! I was astounded! I can't believe how hot it is around here! But this summer was amazing, tough at times, easy at times, exciting at times, fun at times, etc...SuperWow was a blessing, I met so many great people...Shannon, Brock, and Auny! The staff at Ft.Walton was great, although we never slowed down. But it was so fun working with everyone and meeting kids from all over and hearing their stories and such. Work was and boring. But California was a great place! I want to move to Mammoth Lakes! It was so beautiful and wonderful up there! The mountains were awe inspiring and the weather was amazing! I loved every second of it! I want to take Katie there and go climb mountains and see everything again! I was sad but excited to leave because I was going to get to see my best friend when I got back! And we went to the Fox Theatre to see The Wizard of Oz! Yes, I am still a little kid, I don't care what the world says about growing up! And we had so much fun! Katie is my best friend in the world and she is such a blessing to my life! It was a good weekend we spent together! We went to the new World of Coke in Atlanta the next day and laughed and smiled the whole time! I had no idea that Coke did so much stuff all around the world! Although I wouldn't recommend drinking any of the stuff from overseas...not good. But as I sit in my new dorm and think about the summer I can't believe all that happened! It went by so fast! All I can do now is get ready for the upcoming cross country season and get things ready for our BCM. It never stops, things just keep on coming! But I am so thankful for my friends that will sit and listen to me and that will also tell me how their life is going! It's great! This year is going to be tough, a lot of hours and a lot of training for cross country. My foot isn't 100% better from last spring so I'm taking it easy right now and not running as much as I want to be, but things will get better soon! But the summer is now gone and I have to go to class! Blah! But I enjoy it because I know that it's a great ministry opportunity! My campus is a living and breathing mission field that needs Christ! And that I am excited about! To share my faith and to live my faith, everyday! God is going to do great things! Our BCM is excited and ready to make a difference on our campus and to go throughout the world and spread the gospel! God is amazing! His grace and strength are enough to change the world! And that is all I have for now...

Friday, July 27, 2007

11,050 Feet...The Beauty of God's Creation

Mammoth Lakes, California...the most beautiful place that I have ever been. God's creation is amazing and seeing His power and majesty in His creation is a blessing. God is amazing and seeing His creation like this humbles me to the point and reminds me of who I am and who He is. He is Name above all Names, Abba Father, and so on! He deserves so much more than I could ever give Him. Running through these mountains in the mornings and afternoons is such a worship experience. As I run I can praise God for His creation and His love and grace! And the great thing is that through this trip, some of my teammates have begun to question who God is and what it exactly means to have a relationship with Him! It is so awesome to see the eyes of people begin to be opened to the glory of God! Today me, Steven, and Allen went on a hike to the summit of Mammoth Mountain. We first climbed to 10,000 feet and took some pictures and enjoyed the view. But then we decided to go all the way to the top, 11,050 feet! It was so hard to keep climbing at that altitude. Each breath was a struggle because the air was so thin. But when we got to the top I was speechless...

These mountains are beautiful! The temperature was around 50 degrees and the wind was blowing at around 30-40 miles per hour! The mountains just seemed to keep on going as far as I looked. And that reminded me of God's keeps going and going, no matter how far we may be from Him, He still loves us! It is amazing to know! I love it here! I want to pack up and move out here and run and bike all the time! It's amazing! This pictures was at 11,050 feet, the mountains in the next pictures are even higher!

These mountains in the background are all above 12,000 feet! And I thought that we were pretty high at 11,000. The one in the far left that looks like a pyramid is a little over 14,000 feet! It was amazing to see all of this! This is an amazing get to live and train in God's beautiful creation! This week so far has been such a challenge physically and spiritually. God is challenging me in many ways and He is also teaching me so many things! But I am about to go to go to sleep...the hike wore me out! God is great...let His creation shout His glory!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Im In California...After A Short Stop In Vegas

Alright, for all of those people who cannot wait for my next it is. I just spent the last 3 hours flying across the country...i've spent the last 1 hour sitting in a building waiting on our rental van. So, not much has been happening. The flight over was really is amazing to see all of God's creation and all it's beauty! I watched as miles and miles of beautiful landscape went past me below. 35,000 feet in the air is a great place to reflect and think about things. There was something about flying through the clouds that pulled me closer to God. It was very humbling to be that high in the air and still know that Im so far below God. It reminded me that all my best is still not good enough for the Creator of the universe. But, I have been made clean through the blood of Christ! At church this past week the sermon dealt with the passages in Romans and Colossians where Paul reminds us that we are worthy through Christ's blood! It was amazing to read through the words and listen as God spoke to me and encouraged me in my walk with Him. As I was looking out the window I saw rivers, mountains, valleys, and deserts, all of which showed the might and power of God the Father. It was a blessing be allowed to view His majesty and power! But it was a short flight and before I knew it I had to buckle my seat belt and we were sitting on the runway in Vegas. But, I will write about and load pictures of my adventures soon, hopefully tomorrow sometime. But I can't's going to be AMAZING!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Thai Food, Fish, and A Rainy Drive Home: A Sad Day In The Neighborhood

Thai food...simply amazing. Fish...a little bit of heaven. Rainy drive home....not cool! This past week was a blessing. It was a blessing because of the new people that I have crossed paths with on this trail of life. The people I worked with are amazing, they would always go the extra mile and give all they had to make camp the best for the kids there, and that was an inspiration to me. They always offered words of guidance and encouragement throughout the day. Brock, Auny, Jessica, and Shannon would constantly bring me food from some really cool places and every time it was amazing...even when it was heated up in the microwave. This week was very special to me, this week God reminded me that He is in control of my life and that if I simply let go of my selfish sin and live a life that makes His name great, I will be held tightly in His arms. God brought some amazing people into my life these past few weeks and they have impacted me and taught me so much.

Im now home, sitting in my room and reflecting on the past month of my life that seemed to fly by. It seemed to be only yesterday that I was washing clothes to pack for SuperWOW, now I'm washing clothes to pack again to fly out to California. And again God has shown me something great. He has shown me that no matter how busy I may get that I need to slow down enough to notice the hurting people of our world today and to slow down and take some time to spend with Him. Which is what I'm going to go do right now, and then I'm going to sleep for hours upon hours.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Brand New Day

What a day! Things at camp have been amazing, long hours and no sleep! It's been hard sometimes but more than anything it has been a blessing! God has shown up HUGE in my life this summer and it's been through many things. New people have come into my life and challenged me and pushed me to become something far more than I ever could have imagined for myself. Events in my life have shaped my thoughts and opinions and caused me to change the way I view people and honestly, the way I view life. So, here begins a new chapter in my that is a constant struggle to live the life God has called me to and to put Him before everything else in my life.