Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Summer Now Gone

Yes, it is over. The school year is starting and things are changing. Life is just as busy as it was this summer and it's not looking like is going to slow down. Yesterday I spent my entire day cleaning and moving into my dorm...that's all I should have to say about that. It's crazy hot here and I was driving back from the grocery store at 9:30 at night and it was still 99! I was astounded! I can't believe how hot it is around here! But this summer was amazing, tough at times, easy at times, exciting at times, fun at times, etc...SuperWow was a blessing, I met so many great people...Shannon, Brock, and Auny! The staff at Ft.Walton was great, although we never slowed down. But it was so fun working with everyone and meeting kids from all over and hearing their stories and such. Work was and boring. But California was a great place! I want to move to Mammoth Lakes! It was so beautiful and wonderful up there! The mountains were awe inspiring and the weather was amazing! I loved every second of it! I want to take Katie there and go climb mountains and see everything again! I was sad but excited to leave because I was going to get to see my best friend when I got back! And we went to the Fox Theatre to see The Wizard of Oz! Yes, I am still a little kid, I don't care what the world says about growing up! And we had so much fun! Katie is my best friend in the world and she is such a blessing to my life! It was a good weekend we spent together! We went to the new World of Coke in Atlanta the next day and laughed and smiled the whole time! I had no idea that Coke did so much stuff all around the world! Although I wouldn't recommend drinking any of the stuff from overseas...not good. But as I sit in my new dorm and think about the summer I can't believe all that happened! It went by so fast! All I can do now is get ready for the upcoming cross country season and get things ready for our BCM. It never stops, things just keep on coming! But I am so thankful for my friends that will sit and listen to me and that will also tell me how their life is going! It's great! This year is going to be tough, a lot of hours and a lot of training for cross country. My foot isn't 100% better from last spring so I'm taking it easy right now and not running as much as I want to be, but things will get better soon! But the summer is now gone and I have to go to class! Blah! But I enjoy it because I know that it's a great ministry opportunity! My campus is a living and breathing mission field that needs Christ! And that I am excited about! To share my faith and to live my faith, everyday! God is going to do great things! Our BCM is excited and ready to make a difference on our campus and to go throughout the world and spread the gospel! God is amazing! His grace and strength are enough to change the world! And that is all I have for now...