Friday, August 15, 2008

In A Good Spot

I haven't written anything in a good while. And I probably should have but things have been a little hard for me these last few days. I don't want to get into too much detail about things but the girl that I have been dating for almost 2 years ended things this week. So I have been dealing with that this week and have not had the desire to write and all that good stuff. But God has graciously kept me in His wings and allowed me to grow in Him. A very good friend of mine who I consider to be one of the greatest men I know gave me a sermon to read. It's called The Expulsive Power of A New Affection and it was written by a guy named Thomas Chalmers. And it is one of the greatest writings I have ever read. One paragraph holds more spiritually sound doctrine than a years worth of sermons by most of todays pastors. You can Google it and find a pdf file pretty easily and read it if you want, which I suggest. So, as the title suggests I am in a good spot. I am in a vulnerable spot where God can direct and lead me in the journey that He has for me. Things are not always easy but I have a few good friends that are helping me find God and are helping through this difficult time. I am thankful for those who have listened to me cry, yell, and just talk about where I am. They are truly some of the greatest friends in the world and they know who they are. It's going to be a good year and I am sure that there will be much to write about. So, get ready. It's going to be good.