Saturday, August 30, 2008

North Avenue Community

The Spirit of God is moving in the city of Rome, Ga. Many things are happening that are bringing the Kingdom of God down to earth just as Jesus did. Things are by no means perfect and there is no secret or revelation specifically here. Just the Word of God and a community of FOLLOWERS of Jesus. That's all. There is an amazing woman of God, a prophetess, working in South Rome. Her ministry is called the Mountain Top Experience. I have never before experienced the Spirit of God at work within a persons life. Miss Linda is truly a woman of God that is following wherever Jesus leads her. Through her the community of South Rome is being transformed by the power of God. It is a blessing to be able to take part in God's work in South Rome.

A few of my friends are also working in North Rome, hence the title. They have started a community house that is committed to enacting the Kingdom of God as best they can. Lives are lived simply and the people of North Rome are loved as Jesus would love them. I believe that it is the manifestation of the Church that was mentioned in Acts. They are the Body and the Bride of Christ. A beautiful picture is what it is. They have started a blog to allow those that are not here to take part in their ministry. So I put the link on my page so go check it out and see what God is doing. Hopefully He will speak to each and everyone of us through His work in North Rome and South Rome.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Marathon

Tonight was the men's marathon of the 2008 Olympics. I was ready for Ryan Hall to put on an amazing show for the US and surprise a few of the world's best runners by taking a medal in the race. Hall demonstrated some amazing ability in his marathon debut's and at the US Trials. He is an amazing follower of Christ and an excellent runner. So I was pumped that the States might actually get a medal in the marathon. But things didn't seem right soon after the start. Hall was 1 minute back as soon as the leaders took off. He didn't have the usual stride that he does when he is running his best. He soon dropped to 3 minutes back before the half. The leaders just kept raising the level of intensity throughout the race and Hall could not keep up. He eventually finished 11th behind fellow a fellow American teammate. Both ran right around the previous Olympic marathon record but the winner from Kenya destroyed the old one. So I was a little bummed that Hall didn't run as fast as we thought he would. But he is young and has a good many years of great training ahead of him so there is plenty to look forward to.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Beginning of A New Year

This week was the beginning of a new year. Classes have started, the cross team has got things running at full speed, and life is busy already. I haven't even had stuff to read or write and I've already had some really late nights! It's crazy! But it's all good times. I am excited though about the year ahead. Things wont always be easy and it will be tough but I am excited about the places God will take me and the things that He will reveal to me. My fraternity has started getting things ready for rush and we are ready to get some really great guys in as brothers! The cross team is looking really good and we are fit and ready to get the season started. Classes are going to be good but I've got a ton of papers to write this year. I have to write my senior thesis and it's got to be at least 20 pages! On top of that I have 5 classes that have at least a 10 page research paper! So pretty much I will be writing a small book this semester. Look for it in all major bookstores. Right now I am sitting at the BCM Cookout running sound and doing all that jazz. It's good to be back at school and be with my community of believers and followers of Christ. We've already had some quality times of worship and praise and prayer and scripture study. I am blessed to have some of the greatest friends that you could possibly want! This week I have been nothing but surrounded with love and support and encouragement from all of them! I thank God for everyone who is a part of my life, I am truly blessed! But since I am at a cookout I do believe that I must go get a burger and some chips and a drink. Later.

Friday, August 15, 2008

In A Good Spot

I haven't written anything in a good while. And I probably should have but things have been a little hard for me these last few days. I don't want to get into too much detail about things but the girl that I have been dating for almost 2 years ended things this week. So I have been dealing with that this week and have not had the desire to write and all that good stuff. But God has graciously kept me in His wings and allowed me to grow in Him. A very good friend of mine who I consider to be one of the greatest men I know gave me a sermon to read. It's called The Expulsive Power of A New Affection and it was written by a guy named Thomas Chalmers. And it is one of the greatest writings I have ever read. One paragraph holds more spiritually sound doctrine than a years worth of sermons by most of todays pastors. You can Google it and find a pdf file pretty easily and read it if you want, which I suggest. So, as the title suggests I am in a good spot. I am in a vulnerable spot where God can direct and lead me in the journey that He has for me. Things are not always easy but I have a few good friends that are helping me find God and are helping through this difficult time. I am thankful for those who have listened to me cry, yell, and just talk about where I am. They are truly some of the greatest friends in the world and they know who they are. It's going to be a good year and I am sure that there will be much to write about. So, get ready. It's going to be good.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Yesterday I rode my bike. For 50 miles. It took a little under 3 hours so that put my average speed around 20-23 mph. It was one of the toughest things that I have ever done. We climbed a mountain called Fouche Gap and at the top you can see the entire area of Rome and the surrounding country! It is beautiful. I don't ride with my camera, I should but wait, I don't have a camera! But maybe I will try and go up again and take some pictures so you guys can see how high we were. Then we flew down the mountain and had rolling hills the rest of the way. Long ride short, we finally got back into downtown Rome to the bike shop and just sat down in front of the fan to cool off. I then went to a place in Rome called Schroeder's Deli. One of the best pizza places that I have ever been to. We had some good eats there. But after that I had to take care of the things in town like going to the bank, paying rent, and so on. So I rode my bike through Rome all afternoon doing the things that I needed to do. And I finally got back to my apartment a long time after I had wanted to and I sat down and felt good about myself. Instead of driving around in air-conditioning I rode my bike. I didn't do the convenient thing. And it was simple. Anybody can ride a bike or walk to get things done, it just takes a little more time. And that was the nice thing about it. It slowed me down and I wasn't in a rush to make it to the next light while it was still green or not be sociable with the people I met. I guess what I'm saying is that I think I caught a glimpse of what could be if people just slowed down. If we all just walked or biked to places how much more happier would we be? Our air would be cleaner, we would be more physically fit people, we might smell a little but who cares! We would not be so caught up in getting things done by a certain time but rather we would just be along for a ride or walk. I don't know if I'm just too much of an idealist but I think it would be an amazing transformation of the Western culture if it came to fruition. If we all just enjoyed life without the pressure of time or any of that it would be such a blessing. But anyway, that was yesterday.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

My New Place

I have spent the last few days moving into my new place and getting things set. I'm trying to make the place fee like home. It's a little difficult at time because my roommate isn't here yet so setting an apartment up alone can be boring at times. I'll be living here for about a year and then moving on to grad school or something different. Don't have that part figured out yet. But for now I will be here. So I apologize for the bad quality of pictures but it's the best I can do with a camera phone. Don't complain. So here's the goods and enjoy! It's a little like Cribs but without the fancy camera shots and the sexy bathroom scene and awkward bedroom scene either!

Here is the extremely small T.V. that I got for my room. It's small but it will work for me. And the corner of the bed.

And here's the bed with the empty bookshelf beside it. Hopefully I can put all my books on here without it falling. Cross your fingers.

And another shot of the bookcase/desk. I didn't want to buy a desk so I'm using my Fender Amp and my Mesa Boogie cabinet. And I stole the chair from Katie. So, it's rigged but it works for me!

And we now have the dinning room. Complete with folding metal chairs! And it will also serve as a bike shop for myself. Don't make fun.

The best part! The half full living room! Complete with the most comfortable recliner in the world! But without a T.V. or any other furniture. Hopefully they will get here this weekend with my roommate.

And the back porch! Complete with camping chairs and Cutter bug repellent. My favorite part of the whole place. It's a great view of pine trees 4 feet from the deck! Ha!

Hope you all enjoyed the tour and all are welcome to hang out. Just call me.