Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Farting Bubbles and Losing Nipples

So. I spent the weekend up in Franklin, TN. And it rocked! We had some stinking good food and plenty of laughs to go with it. I got to meet some of the most amazing people in the world and share a road trip with a good friend! I really enjoyed the town and would love to move there and enjoy life! But back to the title...

We did a slip and slide on Sunday afternoon and it almost cost me my life! We had four 25 ft. sections going down what I would call a freaking steep hill. And to top it off we put a ramp at the end of it that would shoot you into the air to land not so safely into a kiddie pool. Needless to say it was crazy fun. But we put so much soap on it that it got all in everyone's shorts! And I said that it put new meaning to the phrase "farting bubbles!" I sweat that I had enough soap in my butt that I could really fart some bubbles! The slide was tons of fun even though I missed the landing a few times. One time I was flying down the hill and started to drift to the side. Everyone was standing there so I thought that they would catch me. WRONG! Everyone moved out of the way and I went in the air and then straight to the ground! But it made for some good laughs so whatever.

Now. Losing nipples. Not fun. We had been doing the zip line about halfway so that people could get used to it. A few people had gone and everything was going well. Someone asked who was going to do it from the very top and without missing a beat Shannon and Brock both said that I would. So I did. Not a good idea. I thought everything would be alright because we had engineered the thing to work perfectly. So I go flying down the thing and when I hit the bungee lines one of them snaps and hit me right across the nipples and chest! I screamed out that I lost a nipple! People didn't get it until I raised my shirt and has some pretty huge welts and bruises on my chest! Somebody has pictures but I don't know who. When I get a hold of them I will put them on here. But it's still sore today. But this past weekend was a blast and I had lost of fun! But now it's time to go nurse my wounds and get some sleep. Yes, sleep in the middle of the day! It's a blessing from God, naps that is!


Shannon said...

I'm so proud of you! look at the little writer you were meant to be:)