Sunday, October 19, 2008

Dangerous Roads

I have been cycling for awhile and I seem to be enjoying it. There is a special sense of peace when riding down roads with mountains and valleys and the rest of God's creation. In Floyd county there are some amazing roads that wind through some steep mountains and they provide an excellent view of creation. The same is true in Bartow county, though not as many mountains at all. I absolutely love a long climb with a breathtaking view at the top. Then the descent is also an adrenaline rush, sometimes I can get up to around 50mph. Very fast and fun. But these roads are dangerous.

This summer I was hit by a driver in Ft. Walton Beach, Florida. Thankfully there were no serious injuries, just bruises and a little emotional trauma. I got back on the bike the next week and rode like nothing happened, I was still a little sore though.

Thankfully I have had no accidents like this summer, I really haven't had any at all. But I have had a lot of close calls. So drivers simply forget or don't look when they turn or come around a curve. I have had to hit the brakes a few times to avoid breaking my face on the side of a car. There are also plenty of idiots that seem to make it their goal to get as close as possible and lay on the horn. I rode today and had a few of those on the same road! It is very dangerous and ticks me off unbelievably. Even when there is room in another lane, some people just do not move. I usually offer them some fine Christian words and a wave and get over it. Remember, grace, for those that might judge.

But people need to slow down and simply watch what is around them. I did not realize the beauty surrounding me until I started walking and biking to places. People can experience the same if only they would slow down. So world, slow down please.


Shannon said...

I miss your face more!!!

Let's change that:)