Friday, January 11, 2008

It Has Started Again

So, school has started up again! I just finished my first week back with classes and practice and it was pretty tough! I'm already stressing out and running around doing all these things and somehow already getting behind! I don't know how I am going to catch up with classes...each one requires a research paper of at least 10 pages! But I guess it's part of it! But it sure does get stressful! But it's great to be back on the hill and have so many people that need to just hear the love of Christ and feel the grace of God! I recently shared my heart and read some scripture at our BCM meeting this week and my heart broke at how simple it was to love people and how so often we refuse to do so. I read of how Christ sat with the woman at the well and how she drank of the living water and how her life was forever changed. My prayer is that I will have the strength and power to love people as Christ did and to show them how great a life of following Him really is!

Friday, January 4, 2008

New Layout

New layout...hope everyone likes it!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


So...I was looking at my blog page and I realized that it was all bright neon colors. It looks weird and goofy but I think I like it! Anyway, I've been home resting from YEC this weekend! I came home and slept for 13 hours and 10 hours the next night...I think I was a little tired! But YEC was a blast and God worked in some awesome ways! David Platt spoke all weekend and God worked through him to reach youth! His messages were based only on scripture and God was in everyone! Matt Papa led worship and as usual he did such a great job of providing a time for youth to reach God one on one! Third Day and Barlow Girl played the concerts at night and they were pretty good! I worked the stage all weekend and it was pretty stressful and tiring. But it was really fun to meet everybody and talk with them about all the things that God is doing in so many lives. It was such a blessing and encouragement. But it was really cool to see God working in the lives of people but it also opened my eyes to the fact that so many people do not have a clue what it means to have a personal relationship with God through Christ! So many kids seemed oblivious to the fact of their need for salvation! It was good to hear Platt speak about how God is seeking to make is name great and because of that He sent Jesus to live and die! It is as simple as that! But so many people have been distracted and taught so many wrong things that they do not understand that and it broke my heart! So I am beginning to pray for God to reveal himself to people who so much need to meet Him face to face! I am praying that people will come to the point that they realize the greatness of God and his love through Christ! That is my prayer!