Sunday, March 8, 2009

Beirut, Lebanon

Well, it has certainly been awhile since I have taken the time to sit and write about the things in my life. As usual things have been super busy and going crazy. God has shown up and rocked my world and shown up huge in my life lately. But right now I am sitting outside a coffee shop in Beirut! The shop is called Costa Coffee, on Hamra Street. I've been talking with people from Palestine, and many other places. A few of us here have talked with people from Syria, Iraq, and South Africa. It's been amazing! But there will be more to come later in the week. Internet is hard to come by so it might be awhile until I write again.
But the people here are amazing and the culture of the Arab world is something to behold! The food is great and the people are so open and welcoming! I have had some amazing conversations with people from all over the world. I went running through Beirut this morning and just spent some time in prayer. God is truly moving in this area, people are having dreams and visions about meeting Jesus and coming to know Him and beginning their personal relationship with Him! The stories of these people are amazing! We went downtown last night to Beirut, it was crazy! We went by the mosque, the 3rd largest in the world! It was beautiful! The stone and marble are majestic! So beautiful!
It's been hazy these past few days but the mountains are gorgeous! The city is a unique city! Hope to do another post soon!