Sunday, November 2, 2008

Is The End In Sight

Is the end in sight? I find myself asking that, among many other things, here lately. My mind wanders between the events of here and now to times of the past and the possibilities of the future. So things bring a smile while others bring forth a never ending stream of tears. Possibilities of the future seem all to overwhelming at times. Some days my soul feels like a vessel in the vast ocean waters with no coordinates or stars for navigation. I simply float along with whatever direction the waves desire to take me. So are gentle and refreshing and others are giant and overpowering, each with thier own characteristics and purpose.

I am not at all where I thought I would be 3 months ago. After losing an important part of my life things have been different. Day after day I wake only by the Grace of God and by taking joy in the God of my Salvation. If it were not for the sovereignty of God the waves would be without purpose or reason. By God seeking Himself and by humbly submitting to that sovereignty each toss and turn offers a glimpse and the Glory of God.

The Mountain Top Experience has been an amazing blessing to take part in and experience. To sit in a great cloud of witnesses of such people as Linda, Rita, Shine, and Linda, and John has brought me to the point of realization that I am called to be a washer of feet.

While mentoring at Anna K. Davies Elementary my mind has been opened to the vast amounts of suffering among young children in our world. Children live without the warmth of heat and the comfort of food and water. During the cold bite of winter some children walk to school without a jacket or coat. These are the children that are the victims of drug abuse, violence, a culture that offers no alternatives, and an apathetic generation of Jesus admirers. The little boy I meet with feels as if he is alone in his world and struggles to experience the love from God.

The death of a friend never seems to get easier. Miss Alford passed away last week. I did not know because I was sick last week and missed visiting her. Her roommate talked with me for a little while and we prayed and I left the room. I had only spoken with Miss Alford a few times and each time her smile touched my spirit. Her laughter pierced the toughest of skin. My heart was broken at the hearing of her passing. But I am thankful for our short time together and pray that her spirit was as encouraged as mine during our conversations.

God is good. The Father always has His wings open wide. His words of instruction and rebuke are comforting. Jesus the Christ is the manifestation of the person of God to me. He is a true High Priest that allows for communion with God. I pray that I may be counted as a follower and disciple of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is empowering, comforting, convicting. Each day the leading of the Spirit is my prayer and desire. To experience the power of the Holy Spirit and sense the comfort provided is indeed a blessing from God. God is great.