Friday, April 11, 2008

When Things Become Real

Going through the Old Testament can sometimes become boring and pointless and even frustrating as the repetitious nature of it becomes evident. The pages are filled with Israel fleeing Egypt being led by Moses and Aaron. The laws are repeatedly laid down by God for the Israelites to follow. The sacrifices that must be done in order for forgiveness to exists are explained countless times throughout the Old Testament. The transformation of Israel also is seen through the books. Israel begins to drift away from the will of God and soon follows the religions of the people around them. As enemies gather around them, the people cry out for a king just like the earthly nations, forgetting their purpose as a nation set apart by God, without the need for a king. Israel continually learns the consequences for allowing sin to go unchecked and they also learn the greatness of God's forgiveness and redemption. Each time a sin was committed, an animal had to spill its blood and die. But also, the person guilty of the sin had to come in contact with the animal to be sacrificed on their behalf. I wonder if we, who call ourselves believers and followers do the same today? Do we understand that for each one of our sins, Christ is brought forth and we are touched by Him and then His precious and perfect blood is spilled for us? And after reading further into the Old Testament, the stories of the judges becomes clearer. Israel needed continual direction from God in order to continue living as a nation set apart. And the funny thing is that the judges were from all over, but they all had a desire for the will of God to be done. Samson is praised by churches in Sunday Schools and from pulpits across the nation as being a warrior for God. But Samson didn't even pray to God! Each time he destroyed the Philistines he took credit himself, disregarding the fact that his strength was directly from God! But he still was used by God in order to fulfill the will of God. And only after being caught and blinded did Samson cry out to God! In his moment of weakness he remembered God and cried out for strength not to glorify God but to get revenge for him being blinded! And God granted the request! How amazing! And Israel finally appealed to Samuel for a king to placed above them so that they would not be defeated by the surrounding nations. They instantly forgot of the great things God had done for them as they left Egypt! They had no faith in God! And guess who they chose as their king? The best looking man! How often do we still do the same today? We "pick" those with the highest seminary degree to be our "kings!" How dare we have no faith or communion with the Holy Spirit as the Israelites! No! We should understand and grasp the significance of Christ's sacrifice on our behalf, we should have the faith in God and daily commune with the Holy Spirit and allow for Spirit led living that can only be done the strength and power of God!